Friday, October 22, 2010


although this article is very poorly written, i couln't stop reading about this couple that had to get rid of a an exhaust fan because their muslim neighbor was offended by the smell of read the full article, scope it out here

restraining order pleshaning shmorder

i feel violated after watching this.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

bacon... a turn on

an amazing christmas gift, hand crafted by my good friend, danielle... i, unfortunately have the fat switches... but it still hangs out in my room until i find an apartment to fit it.

i flat-lined

thanks to my friend at work and with the help of the app "sleep cycle" i can monitor how well i'm sleeping nightly... this particular night i, as we say at work when referring to the deepest sleep, "flat-lined." i woke up feeling great! (and earlier than usual)


the awesome birthday card chloe got me this year. three points for getting something i havent seen before from something i'd normally feel bad throwing out and end up saving (did that make sense?)

deer corn

i mean. have you ever seen such an engaging sign before? i certainly have not.

gumboobs and sharkcow

local graffiti by the talented taggers of revelstoke, BC canada

it's the goats turf! wtf!?!

not down with this goat being killed for attacking a man... yeah it's sad that the older gentleman died, but this didn't happen in said "victims'" backyard, no, it happened in the goats... killing a mountain goat in the mountains of a national park for aggressive behavior = not kosher in my books. RIP mountain goat. RIP. to read the article scope it out here

Saturday, October 2, 2010

loser glitch radness.

i went to look through my friend list to figure out other people to invite to something and there was a glitch that made me look like a loser... right below my unfortunate picture. match made in heaven.

love affair with cardboard.

birthday present for pollo... seven years old and going strong! he like, really liked this cardboard gift...

dear new razor...

i'd like to thank you for making my legs look like something out of a horror movie.

whole foods.. how you ruined my night.

my sister told me of this magical almost butter machine that whole foods has that, like a coffee grinder does, transforms texture right before your very eyes... nut to spread... so at 1030 i hop on the subway to union square from brooklyn, seek out the machine in whole foods... four machines... peanut, honey roasted peanut, some other kind of peanut and almond... all full... except the empty almond machine... i even pushed the button to see if maybe it was like a water cooler with a little hidden in the spout, that may be just enough for two pieces of toast. bone dry. sadface x 48923.

it helped me personally... i hope i can say that.

felt mega cold/flu-ish the other day at work, and needed to fight back. jammed it all down and i was fine by five... of course i'm making no legal claims.

god forbid i make up a witty title for this baby picture.

ok. a. we all know i don't like babies so this wouldn't be appealing to me no matter what but b. why the hell would this ad be appealing to anyone? baby lovers included.

snuggle up and sleep tight

tattoo number ten today. for pollo. say what you will, but it's his spot, his nook.

well played kitten. well played.

im pretty sure if that kitten stared at me like that, i too would end up taking it home. good one target.

message: hw assignment - do something embarassing and have your friends video tape it

my friend strass sent me this along with the challenge of also doing something embarrassing in public... the wheels are turning.


i was telling my coworkers last night i feel like a traitor drinking anything other than our beloved vitaminwater, fuse and smartwater... i heart you glaceau... never break up with me and i wont cheat on you.

you have 4 minutes.

i am beyond tempted to do speed dating as a total experience seeker... it's on my bucket list... and i think i'll do it in the next couple of months to come back with wild and crazy stories of the lamest people i've ever met in my life. is that mean?

woh. bummer.

is the top link green for you too? ->
i dont know why.

halloween cosutme or everyday attire...

i say armor that pup everyday cuz he looks like the toughest dog around now