here are a few books i'd like to add to my small collection... All of these books are related to food / the food industry...

1. The Great Starvation Experiment: The Heroic Men Who Starved so That Millions Could Live (by Todd Tucker) - this book, i've read... (borrowed) and it was by far the best i've ever read... and i'd like to again.

2. The Jungle (by Upton Sinclair) i think i was supposed to read this in high school, but ditched out on it instead... i think that could have been a dumb move on my part.

3. The Omnivore's Dilemma (by Michael Pollan) tons of people i know have read this and found it to be astonishing (with dull moments, but nevertheless, worth reading) so i think i'll go for it.
when i can afford to buy books again, those will be the first three :)