Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a delicacy in hawaii

i would make a witty remark, but i'm like, not kidding.

reward: missing cart

i love getting rewards for returning a cart!!


you may not be able to watch this video... but if you can, i bet you feel the same way as me at the end... liberated... for the cat... still, it's not for the squeamish.

woops. is that my spider?

omg. the recluse spider is popping up in NYC... you know where it also popped up? my house in vancouver... i don't think i brought it over... as this was 3 years ago, but still, the reminder of mike screaming from his room to come help him is worth the blog post.

cool freezer.

my oh my. that's an odd place for frozen chicken. perhaps i'll just get a bottle of water.

when you're starving on a plane

you should buy this amazing pack of apricots. because they give you, not one, but two pieces. it was filling.

i will admit. the two pieces were delicious. it's a shame i'm not suffering from anorexia.

why did i not purchase these?

because i'm a fool. that's why.

how do you cool down a cat in ny?

like that.

to whom it may concern...

please figure out how to catch my computer fb up to my iphone's fb so that when i log in on my computer i don't have "109" new fb chat messages from one person x 8. thanks.

vacation spot parking lots.

vacation spots bring on crazy parking lots... i guess when sunning you become a little aloof of the lines... aloha.

foot print-er.

that printer is mega crazy looking... what do the laces do?

when's the gallery opening?

beautious art work by my sister circa 5 years old. why wouldn't you keep this for almost 20 years? there's no point in even posing that question... so i won't. i retract it.

selfish gift.

i bought these because i wanted to eat them. but i didn't. because they were a gift. a beautiful birthday gift.

where did your body go?

i can't say i understand this exactly... it's not like i was in the wilderness... this was on the pathway to my work building at the time. how did no one notice vultures tearing away at it's body?

alternative plan.

i skype with the dog because she can't type correspondence.

child for sale.

when you're shopping for new cardigans, is a child something you expect to see on the ground like something that's fallen off a hanger? nope. but. i did.

my apologies.

sorry readers... all two of you... ive totalllllllllllly neglected you. but i'm back. i've got some hum dingers and it'll be more frequent. i swear. please take me back.